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BETA Finnish-English translation for: water vein
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Dictionary Finnish English: water vein

Translation 1 - 50 of 96  >>

NOUN   a water vein | water veins
hydro. vesisuoni {noun}water vein
Partial Matches
anat. verisuoni {noun}vein
geol. kultasuoni {noun}gold vein
lää suonikohju {noun}varicose vein
anat. bot. mineral. suoni {noun}vein [also fig.]
vesi {noun}water
vesiliukoinen {adj}water-soluble
naut. uppoama {noun}(water) displacement
uimavesi {noun}bathing water
hydro. murtovesi {noun}brackish water
hydro. kapillaarivesi {noun}capillary water
jäähdytysvesi {noun}cooling water
tislattu vesi {noun}distilled water
juomavesi {noun}drinking water
makea vesi {noun}fresh water
hydro. pohjavesi {noun}ground water
naut. nousuvesi {noun}high water
usk. vihkivesi {noun}holy water
jäävesi {noun}ice water
hydro. sisävesi {noun} [tav. mon.]inland water
gastr. kivennäisvesi {noun}mineral water
gastr. mineraalivesi {noun}mineral water
suolavesi {noun}salt water
merivesi {noun}sea water
gastr. soodavesi {noun}soda water
hydro. lähdevesi {noun}spring water
hydro. pintavesi {noun}surface water
hanavesi {noun}tap water
kraanavesi {noun} [arki.]tap water
vesijohtovesi {noun}tap water
ekol. jätevesi {noun}waste water
vesilasku {noun}water bill
lää vesirakkula {noun}water blister
elektr. vedenkeitin {noun}water boiler
vesipullo {noun}water bottle
vesitykki {noun}water cannon
vedenkulutus {noun}water consumption
vesivahinko {noun}water damage
hydro. vedenjakaja {noun}water divide
vesipisara {noun}water drop
vesiletku {noun}water hose
vesimassa {noun}water mass
tekno. vesimittari {noun}water meter
vesimylly {noun}water mill
vesijohto {noun}water pipe
vesiputki {noun}water pipe
leikkik. vesipistooli {noun}water pistol
urheilu vesipallo {noun}water polo
vedenpaine {noun}water pressure
tekno. vesipumppu {noun}water pump
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