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BETA Finnish-English translation for: self confidence
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Dictionary Finnish English: self confidence

Translation 1 - 48 of 48

NOUN   self-confidence | -
SYNO   assurance | authority | confidence ... 
itseluottamus {noun}self-confidence
Partial Matches
pol. luottamuslause {noun}vote of confidence
itseliimautuva {adj}self-adhesive
itsevarma {adj}self-assured
itsetietoinen {adj}self-confident
itsekriittinen {adj}self-critical
itseironinen {adj}self-deprecating
itsetuhoinen {adj}self-destructive
itsestäänselvä {adj}self-evident
pol. itsehallinnollinen {adj}self-governing
itseaiheutettu {adj} {pres-p} [myös: itse aiheutettu]self-inflicted
itseironinen {adj}self-ironic
itseironinen {adj}self-mocking
itsetyytyväinen {adj}self-satisfied
omahyväinen {adj}self-satisfied
itseriittoinen {adj}self-sufficient
omavarainen {adj}self-sufficient
itsevarmuus {noun}self-assurance
itsehillintä {noun}self-command
itsehillintä {noun}self-control
itsekritiikki {noun}self-criticism
itsepetos {noun}self-deceit
itsepetos {noun}self-deception
psyk. itsepetos {noun}self-delusion
itsetuho {noun}self-destruction
itsekuri {noun}self-discipline
itsetunto {noun}self-esteem
itseilmaisu {noun}self-expression
pol. itsehallinto {noun}self-government
itseironia {noun}self-irony
lää itselääkintä {noun}self-medication
lää itselääkitys {noun}self-medication
itsemurha {noun}self-murder
itsesääli {noun}self-pity
itsekehu {noun}self-praise
omakehu {noun}self-praise
itseluottamus {noun}self-reliance
itsekunnioitus {noun}self-respect
itsetyytyväisyys {noun}self-satisfaction
itsepalvelu {noun}self-service
koulutus itseopiskelu {noun}self-study
ekonomia autarkia {noun}self-sufficiency
itsekeskeinen {adj}self-centered [Am.]
itsekeskeinen {adj}self-centred [Br.]
itsepuolustus {noun}self-defence [Br.]
itsepuolustus {noun}self-defense [Am.]
aseet telatykistö {noun}self-propelled gun <SPG>
asevoi. telatykistö {noun}self-propelled artillery vehicle
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