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Dictionary Finnish English: [OR 1]

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Partial Matches
mat. neljäsosa {noun} [1/4]quarter
mat. kolmasosa {noun} [1/3]third
mat. neljäsosa {noun} [1/4]one quarter
mat. kolmasosa {noun} [1/3]one third
yksikkö tonni {noun} <t> <tn>metric ton [Am.] <mt> [1,000 kg]
moninainen {adj}manifold [formal or literary]
moninkertainen {adj}manifold [formal or literary]
verenpunainen {adj}sanguine [obs. or poet.]
grilli {noun}barbecue [fireplace or pit]
anat. keuhko {noun}lung [left or right]
myt. maagi {noun}mage [archaic or literary]
keramiikkapaja {noun}pottery [factory or workshop]
urheilu nyrkkeilijä {noun}pugilist [dated or hum.]
jonninjoutava {adj}frivolous [completely useless or unimportant]
monarkistinen {adj}monarchistic [of or pertaining to monarchism]
tuhlaavainen {adj}profligate [recklessly prodigal or extravagant]
äyskähtääto snap [say abruptly or sharply]
astronau astronautiikka {noun}astronautics [treated as sg. or pl.]
vihollinen {noun}foe [literary or formal] [enemy]
hirsipuu {noun}gallows {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
teolii. lasitehdas {noun}glassworks [treated as sg. or pl.]
urheilu joukkue {noun}team [treated as sg. or pl.]
pol. suurvalta {noun}great power [nation or state]
draamallinen {adj} [of or relating to the drama]dramatic
anat. kupu {noun} [leikillinen]stomach [esp. full or round]
gastr. teekuula {noun}(tea) infuser [egg- or ball-shaped]
gastr. viinimarjamehu {noun}currant juice [either blackcurrant or redcurrant]
psyk. ryhmädynamiikka {noun}group dynamics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
kiel. ainesana {noun}mass noun [uncountable or non-count]
herkkä {adj} [helposti loukkaantuva]vulnerable [delicate or easily offended]
etn. kiel. katalaani {noun} [ihminen tai kieli]Catalan [person or language]
bot. T
lää dieetti {noun}diet [chosen for health or slimming reasons]
kaupunki kaupunginosa {noun}neighborhood [Am.] [of a city or town]
kaupunki kaupunginosa {noun}neighbourhood [Br.] [of a city or town]
gastr. kaalisalaatti {noun}slaw [esp. Am. or Can. for: coleslaw]
kiel. adverbiaali {noun}adverbial [word or phrase functioning as an adverb]
hengenveto {noun}breath [single act of breathing in or out]
henkäys {noun}breath [single act of breathing in or out]
harjoitus {noun}drill [activity done as an exercise or practice]
edistys {noun}progress [advancement to a higher or more developed state]
sosiaalinen {adj}social [esp. if regarding public welfare or societal structure]
miljoonakaupunki {noun}[city with a population of one million or more]
takku [myös {pl}] [hius-, villa-, karva-]taglock [of hair or wool]
lää dekompressiotauti {noun}the bends [coll.] [treated as sg. or pl.] [decompression sickness]
internet some {noun} [puhe.] [sosiaalinen media]social media [treated as sg. or pl.]
henkilökemia {noun} [kuv.]chemistry [fig.] [complex emotional or psychological interaction between people]
arkeol. usk. uhrikivi {noun}sacrificial stone [large stone or boulder used as sacrificial altar]
Puhutteko suomea / englantia?Do you speak Finnish / English? [formal or plural]
ahdistelija {noun}stalker [person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention]
viimeinen ateria {noun} [kuolemaantuomitun]last meal [of person condemned to death or before an exam etc.]
sosiol. tiede sukupuolitutkimus {sg}gender studies {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
vaate leninki {noun}frock [Br.] [a woman's or girl's dress]
urheilu aerobikki {sg}aerobics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
logistiikka {sg}logistics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
geogr. salmi {sg}narrows {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
pol. politiikka {sg}politics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
prosenttinen {adj}percent <%> [Am.] [e.g. five percent, 5 percent, or 5%]
prosenttinen {adj}per cent <%> [Br.] [e.g. five per cent, 5 per cent, or 5%]
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