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BETA Finnish-English translation for: [E-528]
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Dictionary Finnish English: [E 528]

Translation 1 - 41 of 41


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elintar. kem. magnesiumhydroksidi {noun} [Mg(OH)2] [E-528]magnesium hydroxide
Partial Matches
biokem. elintar. glyseroli {noun} [E-422]glycerol
elintar. isomalti {noun} [E-953]isomalt
biokem. elintar. pektiini {noun} [E-440]pectin
seuloato sift [e.g. flour]
biokem. elintar. askorbiinihappo {noun}ascorbic acid [E-300]
biokem. elintar. kapsantiini {noun} [C40H56O3] [E-160c]capsanthin
elintar. kem. ksylitoli {noun} [koivusokeri] [E-967]xylitol
biokem. elintar. farmasia natamysiini {noun} [C33H47NO13] [E-235]natamycin
ekol. suolaantuato become salty [e.g. soil]
ekol. suolautuato become salty [e.g. soil]
elintar. kem. boorihappo {noun} [H3BO3] [E-284]boric acid
elintar. kem. fumaarihappo {noun} [C4H4O4] [E-297]fumaric acid
elintar. kem. hiilidioksidi {noun} [CO2] [E-290]carbon dioxide
elintar. kem. kaliumbromaatti {noun} [KBrO3] [E-924]potassium bromate
elintar. kem. kaliumkloridi {noun} [KCl] [E-508]potassium chloride
elintar. kem. kalsiumkarbonaatti {noun} [CaCO3] [E-170]calcium carbonate
kem. magnesiumkloridi {noun} [MgCl2] [E-511]magnesium chloride
elintar. kem. montaanihappo {noun} [C28H56O2] [E-912]montanic acid
elintar. kem. sorbiinihappo {noun} [C6H8O2] [E-200]sorbic acid
gastr. liemipohja {noun}stock [broth e.g. for soup]
elintar. kem. natriumbentsoaatti {noun} [C7H5NaO2, C6H5COONa] [E-211]sodium benzoate
elintar. kem. natriumsulfaatti {noun} [Na₂SO₄] [E-514]sodium sulfate [Am.]
elintar. kem. natriumsulfaatti {noun} [Na₂SO₄] [E-514]sodium sulphate [Br.]
elintar. kem. rikkidioksidi {noun} [SO2] [E-220]sulfur dioxide [Am.]
elintar. kem. rikkidioksidi {noun} [SO2] [E-220]sulphur dioxide [Br.]
elintar. kem. suolahappo {noun} [HCl(aq)] [E-507]hydrochloric acid
vasta {adv} [vastikään]freshly [e.g. freshly baked / filled]
elintar. kem. fosforihappo {noun} [Acidum phosphoricum] [H3PO4] [E-338]phosphoric acid
elintar. kem. glutamiinihappo {noun} <Glu, E> [C5H9NO4] [E-620]glutamic acid
kem. hiilihappo {noun} [Acidum carbonicum] [H2CO3] [E 290]carbonic acid
entom. T
ratkaisu {noun}solution [also: to sth., e.g. a problem]
kem. rikkihappo {noun} [Acidum sulfuricum] [H2SO4; E 513]sulfuric acid [Am.]
kem. rikkihappo {noun} [Acidum sulfuricum] [H2SO4; E 513]sulphuric acid [Br.]
tuubi {noun}tube [e.g. tube of toothpaste, paint, glue]
oikeust. soveltamisala {noun}scope of application [e.g. scope of a warranty]
päivätäto date sth. [to mark e.g. a check with a date]
entom. T
prosenttinen {adj}percent <%> [Am.] [e.g. five percent, 5 percent, or 5%]
prosenttinen {adj}per cent <%> [Br.] [e.g. five per cent, 5 per cent, or 5%]
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